
  • Catalog Number K046-H1
  • Assay Type Sandwich ELISA
  • Sample Types Serum, Plasma, Tissue Culture Media
  • Sensitivity 48.8 pg/mL
  • Species Human, Bovine, Porcine
  • Assay Duration 2 Hours
  • Samples/Plate 42 in Duplicate
  • Samples/Plate 42 in Duplicate


Assay Principle: 

The DetectX® Insulin ELISA Kit quantitatively measures Insulin levels in serum, plasma, and tissue culture media. This sandwich ELISA has a run time of 2 hours, combining efficiency with high accuracy. Users should consult the detailed instructions in the kit insert before beginning the assay. The kit includes a Human Insulin standard to create a standard curve.

Protocol Summary:

  • Place standards or diluted samples into the provided transparent microtiter plate coated with human Insulin monoclonal antibody.
  • Incubate the plate covered at room temperature, shaking for 1 hour.
  • Add peroxidase-conjugated human Insulin monoclonal antibody and incubate for 30 minutes.
  • After incubation, wash away excess conjugated antibody and add the TMB substrate. The TMB substrate reacts with the bound antibody to generate a detectable signal at 450nm.
  • Determine Insulin concentration using the signal intensity and the standard curve.


Human insulin is a 51 amino acid anabolic peptide-hormone that is essential for regulating glucose metabolism. Secreted by pancreatic β-cells in the Islets of Langerhans, insulin facilitates glucose uptake and suppresses gluconeogenesis, thus playing a crucial role in maintaining glucose homeostasis.

The work of Banting, Best, Collip, and Macleod in the early 1920s identified a substance in pancreas extracts that remarkably reduced blood glucose levels in diabetic animals. By 1923, physicians used these pancreatic extracts to treat diabetic patients successfully. Insulin’s discovery marked a significant milestone in diabetes treatment, transforming the management of this metabolic disorder.

Insulin’s structure consists of two chains (A and B) linked by disulfide bonds. It exists primarily as a monomer at low concentrations (~10-6 M) and forms dimers or hexamers under certain conditions such as concentrations and neutral pH. Given its critical role in maintaining metabolic equilibrium, insulin deficiency or resistance leads to hyperglycemia and diabetes mellitus.

Beyond glucose regulation, insulin also influences lipid metabolism and protein synthesis within the body. The DetectX® Insulin ELISA Kit is an important tool for researchers in endocrinology and metabolism, providing a reliable and straightforward method for measuring insulin levels in various biological samples. This assay is essential for studies involving diabetes, insulin resistance, and metabolic syndrome, offering insights into the complex mechanisms of glucose regulation and metabolic health.

Insulin ELISA Kit

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1 Plate K046-H1

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