
  • Catalog Number K082-H1
  • Assay Type Activity Assay
  • Sample Types Serum, Non-EDTA Plasma
  • Sensitivity 0.063 mU/mL
  • Species Species Independent
  • Assay Duration 30 Minutes
  • Samples/Plate 40 samples in duplicate
  • Samples/Plate 40 samples in duplicate


Assay Principle: 

The Alkaline Phosphatase (ALP) Colorimetric Activity Kit quantitatively measures ALP activity in serum and plasma samples. This activity assay has a run time of 30 minutes. Please read the complete kit insert for more information before performing this assay. Use our provided Alkaline Phosphatase Standard to generate a standard curve.

Protocol Summary:

  • Introduce the standards and samples into the provided transparent microtiter plate.
  • Add Assay Buffer and pNPP Substrate to each well, ensuring thorough mixing of reagents.
  • Incubate the plate at 37°C for 30 minutes. The color-generating reaction occurs between the Substrate and ALP in the samples.
  • Following incubation, utilize a plate reader to detect the signal at 405nm. Calculate ALP activity using the intensity and the standard curve.


Alkaline Phosphatase (ALP) is an enzyme that circulates in the bloodstream and plays a pivotal role in de-phosphorylating various proteins across the body. Present in higher order organisms, ALP actively contributes to several biological processes including metabolism, signal transduction, molecular transport, and genetic expression. Predominantly found in the liver, bile ducts, bones, kidneys, intestines, and placenta, ALP’s activity is a key indicator of physiological and pathological states, particularly concerning the skeletal system, liver, and in inhibitor research relating to structure-activity relationships.

Clinicians frequently measure ALP levels to evaluate liver and gallbladder health, as well as bone conditions. Elevated ALP levels often signify liver or gallbladder issues, like bile duct obstruction or gallstones, while low ALP levels can indicate malnutrition or protein deficiency.

This DetectX® Alkaline Phosphatase Colorimetric Activity Kit provides a reliable and accurate method to measure ALP activity in many types of biological samples, making it a useful tool for clinical diagnostic and biomedical research.

Assay Kit developed by 21 Grams Assays, Inc., www.21GramsAssays.com.

Alkaline Phosphatase (ALP) Colorimetric Activity Kit

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2 Plates K082-H1

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